QRILL PAWS - Join Our Powerful Marketing Platform!

Ready for our grand finale?
We invite you to join us for a QRILL Pet Arctic World Series (QRILL PAWS) couch talk. With us will be:
- Aker BioMarine, CEO, Matts Johansen
- The 2020 QRILL PAWS winner, Thomas Wærner
- Project Manager, Nils Marius Otterstad
Our speakers will lay out the plan for QRILL PAWS 2020/21, give you an insight into our vision, and share news on an exciting new concept, Alpha dogs.
Join us on this adventure and dive deeper into the many possibilities these activities can create.

Matts Johansen
Matts joined Aker BioMarine in 2009. Before being named the CEO in 2015, Matts was the Chief Operating Officer of Aker BioMarine. As the CEO of Aker BioMarine, Matts is on a mission to improve human and planetary health. Prior to joining Aker BioMarine, he was the Chief Marketing Officer at Telefonica O2. Before that Matts studied at Oslo University College and Columbia University.
The passed few years he has also had a brief musher career, participating in MUSH Synnfjell twice and the historical Femundløpet F450, where he finished on an amazing 6th place.

Linda Nordheim
CEO of Maverix. Former CEO of McCann, Business Director at Try, CEO of MBA, Account Director at Mediacom. Linda has worked with many exciting brands and companies such as Tine, Orkla, REMA 1000, Coca-Cola, Middelfart, Fjordland and many more. She loves movies and TV series, and has, among other things, been involved in the launches of the Harry Potter films, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and Narnia.

Nils Marius Otterstad